Friday, May 27, 2005


I know this isn't very much of a time difference between my last post and today's post, but I feel a whole lot better.

For starters...I have decided if a chick can't appreciate the wonderful cat that I am, too bad for her...she missed out. I'm not ugly, and I have a personality...I do drive a Honda, but I don't sell drugs...I have a job, with benefits, and I am actually intelligent...

...and I'm not trying to bone!!!

So, I think that is a pretty good start...

Plus I groom fairly well for the weekends, and my style is cool, but not overbearing...and I always smell good...that's always a plus. Chicks are just finicky during the summer...guys are too, so don't sweat it.

I have a lot to offer, and I'm getting in arms are looking nice!

So, in closing; I'm cool...not just in the trite slang sense of the word's meaning, but I feel fine...I think I just needed to get that crap out of my I hadn't slept much last week...that probably contributed to my condition.

So, I will be kickin' it, with either overpriced coffee in my hand or some tea/lemonade mixed enjoying my summer...

I even have a fresh pair of white on whites...with a reserve with the gum bottom...

Yeah, I'll be cool...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

To be honest...

I guess that is pretty much how I am, and lately, that is how I have felt. I feel drained all the time, and to compensate, I go and hang out with my friends to make me feel better...I feel lonely even still...I don't know. It's the oddest reality of sorts. I'm tired of dealing with problems. I need a streak of successes or something...a reward...I don't least some free gas for my car...

aghhhhhhhaggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhaghghghlsddljafeiowhnvdo;wierujoenw vl!!!!!!!!

I have absolutely NO IDEA what that would sound like, but I do think the Neptunes could sample it and get paid off of my angst...but I'm not even a teen...


I'll get over it.

...the question is how?

Infamous Color Quiz Pt. II

I took this a while ago, and it gave me some startling accurate results...this is what it said initially:

Your Existing Situation

Insecure. Seeks roots, stability, emotional security, and an environment providing greater ease and fewer problems.

Your Stress Sources

Delights in the tasteful, the gracious, and the sensitive, but maintains his attitude of critical appraisal and refuses to be swept off his feet unless genuineness and integrity can be absolutely vouched for. Therefore keeps a strict and watchful control on his emotional relationships as he must know exactly where he stands. Demands complete sincerity as a protection against his own tendency to be too trusting.

Your Restrained Characteristics

Circumstances are such that he feels forced to compromise for the time being if he is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation. The situation is preventing him from establishing himself, but he feels he must make the best of things as they are.

Your Desired Objective

Seeks affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Desires an intimate union, in which there is a love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust.

Your Actual Problem

Needs to protect himself against his tendency to be too trusting, as he finds it is liable to be misunderstood or exploited by others. Is therefore seeking a relationship providing peaceful and understanding intimacy, and in which each knows exactly where the other stands.

...this is what I got today:

Your Existing Situation

Willing and adaptable. Only at peace when closely attached to a person, group, or organization on a which reliance can be placed.

Your Stress Sources

The tenacity and strength of will necessary to contend with existing difficulties has become weakened. Feels overtaxed, worn out, and getting nowhere, but continues to stand his ground. He feels this adverse situation as an actual tangible pressure which is intolerable to him and from which he wants to escape, but he feels unable to make the necessary decision.

Your Restrained Characteristics

Very exacting in the standards he applies to his choice of a partner and seeking a rather unrealistic perfection in his sex life.
Conditions are such that he will not let himself become intimately involved without making mental reservations.

Your Desired Objective

Wants to swipe aside the things that stand in his way, to follow his impulses, and be involved in special or exciting happenings. In this way he hopes to deaden the intensity of his conflicts, but his impulsive behavior leads him to take risks.

Your Actual Problem

The tensions induced by trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond his capabilities, or his reserves of strength, have led to considerable anxiety and a sense of personal (but unadmitted) inadequacy. He attempts to remedy this by intense activity and by insistence on getting his own way. Faulty self-control can lead to ungovernable displays of anger.

Anyone who knows me that reads this blog, is this really me???

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Heart of the Sun

To understand principle is to fully grasp not only what has been declared as so, but to understand the vantage point that it was delivered from. This has eluded me for many moons...but not to dwell on the past, lets move forward...

Principle has always been a cornerstone of my own understanding and revelation knowledge, but I don't quite get why indifference is translated into insubordinance in certain arenas. To decide what one's fate is before they are cast from the womb is not only unfair, but it is unjust. Yet, some actions have been the precursor for some predictaments that I have faced...I could just cast it away as something I can't understand, but that is an everything else seems to be. I don't quite understand the difference between excuses and explanations...

Where did it all start? Alas, much has been said of the situation, but not of the outcome...much is said of the outcome, but not the conditioning...You learn how to pacify, and that is included into a list of cop-outs....

You ask why my face displays the reactions it paints...and I ask why does the painter paint but for inspiration? Yes, can you see it now? I don't think you can. Even if I extract verbatim what something is, analogous conceptions are hung out to dry.

...then what is the issue?

Lose vs. Lose...either way, you give the same opinion, then why ask? You can save the comments on my incompetive behavior, for one learns from either example or condition, what else is there?

Do you have an Answer?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Brick Wall

I'm not going to bother explaining what this has to do with...but if that person is reading this, then I guess they'll know what this means...'cause I sure don't:

All I keep seeing is a brick wall. It is ridiculously high, I have no idea how to get over it. I mean, I've gone around it, but it is still there...a nuisance. It's really getting on my last nerve. I don't get it, and more than likely, I never will. I've helped many people climb walls like this, but I can't seem to find anyone that can really help me. I've talked to the wall...but my words just bounce off...stone can't understand words or reasoning. I don't get it. I understand molecular biology, but not this. They should have classes on wall climbing. I'd take four. I can't even understand why I can't just accept that this is a wall that I cannot climb...I want to though. Not for the sense of accomplishment, and not for a trophy...but because this is the only wall that has ever made me feel like I can quit. This is the only wall that seems like it matters. In my mind...all I see is this cinnamon colored wall...has to be like 5 million yards high...but its foundation is so stable that it won't fall over...I guess I'll just settle for a life of nothing for another 11 months...oh man, I want to cry.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

As We Proceed... give you what you need!!!

Man, I haven't heard that in a while...

Well, me and Rozzdizzle are pals now, which is a refreshing change...I mean, I know I have one other female friend...

...but she's different. I don't quite know what to say about her; even still.

Work is becoming annoying. Six day work weeks are no joke, and it seems like as soon as I recover halfway, here comes work, staring me in the face...ugghhhhh
I need more money.

I think I need to anoint my wallet with oil or something.

Moving out is becoming the growing trend in my life. All my plans start with, "I'm moving out, so..." It's like, before I spend money, I'm thinking that the $4.75 I'm about to spend could buy a box or something to move out's becoming almost retarded in my mind, but I do need to save more...i might stop going out for a couple weeks, just to save more money.

I wish I had more to write...but I really didn't do much this weekend...

Blah, blah, blah, bye.