Monday, August 30, 2004

Nelly, the "rapper"

Now, don't label me a hater. I'm really not. He is a successful person, if you call what he has success...

Anyway, I'm guessing that most of you have seen the video that he put out last summer called Tip Drill. I really REALLY hated that video because of his blatent degradation of women, and their willingness to do what they did on a video. I mean, it's wrong if you do that in private, let alone in a music video that millions will see. Imagine your grandparents or your parents seeing that video of YOU doing those same things, or even going to a job interview and the interviewer remembers seeing you in that NASTY video...but that isn't what I was going to talk about originally...I wanted to clown his new song. I don't know if you have heard it or not...but even Chris Rock had to make fun of this song...Drop down, and Get your Eagle On! Are you SERIOUS?!?!?! That is the most ridiculous song...and people are going to buy that crap...I should make a CD out of all the most ridiculous songs ever made and call it Urban Hip-Hop Joints...I bet people would buy it...

Owning up to Purpose...

I know it may seem kind of obvious, but it's true. You have to own up to your destiny. You have to fulfill your purpose here, or your life has existed for naught. Why am I saying this again? Well, most of the time, I try to avoid what it is that I am meant to do; only out of fear. Fear of failure, fear of not being the right type of person, and fear of just not being good enough. Some may say, "Why did you say failure and then follow that up with not being good enough?" Well, because failing implies that you were completely unsuccessful. Just like if you started a business, and didn't make any money. On the other hand, not being good enough, to me that means that you are able to carry out the task at hand, but not enough to be considered a success. Just like starting that business, and breaking even, or "Just gettin' by..." That's not good enough. If I'm going to be a leader, I must first be an instructor. (Editor's note: If you research the word instructor, it means "boy leader" or an apprentice.) If I'm to be an instructor, I have to have a mentor or a teacher to guide me, as I guide others. Teach me and instill in me what it takes to be one who is an influential leader to many and to few. Now I just have to start!?!?!?

Oh well...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Getting Intimate...

You know, it seems that I begin to realize more and more everyday that most people want to be involved with someone. Don't get me wrong, I would like to be with someone, but this is really not the right time for me...but yeah, everyone wants to hook up. The ladies want to have meaningful relationships, and the guys want someone to play around with; for lack of better words. Yet, what most people fail to realize is that you have to be intimate with yourself before you can include another person. No, I don't mean that you must touch yourself...I just mean you need to really get to know yourself. And you need to learn how to REALLY handle your business. I guess that's not exciting enough for most people though. Oh well...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


What is wrong with people? Do they think signs are decorations? I've told about three different people that it costs twenty-five cents to print a page that is not school related. Meaning, not homework from a class at this particular college. Why is that such a hard idea to understand? There are signs all over the lab, plus there is a sign on the monitor, right above the screen. Then, there is even a sign on the wallpaper of the computer! I don't get it.

Yeah, I do still work too much...

I've got another 14 hour day in progress...and I am REALLY SLEEPY. I didn't even stay on the phone late last night. I don't get it. Oh well...on another note, my co-worker and I are making up a top 50, or top 100 hottest women...Neither one of us agreed with the list that Maxim just put out, so we are going to compare lists. I'm up to about 61 right now, and I really can't think of another 39. I mean, I could, but I'd be lying, because even though they are pretty, I wouldn't really like them. I guess I'll post the list if anyone is interested. Most of the people on it are common celebrities, but some are, it's an interesting list...Stay Tuned...

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

It's about time that I get some rest...

I've been working like a Hebrew slave for the past couple of weeks, but I'm ok. I made it through. So I'm fine. But, I haven't had time to update my blog, sketch out my ideas, or even talk to my friends. It's a little saddening. Hopefully they understand though. Well, I did find a building that I can afford to buy. I don't know if I will though. I'll need to do a little more research on the prices of insurance and taxes on the property. We'll see.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Well, I'm still here...

I haven't had too much time anymore to do anything with my website. I'm neglecting it I guess... i'm sorry...

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Not too much else on the horizon...yet.

Well, there hasn't even been too much going on to talk about...I go to work. I go home. I'll talk on the phone, and sleep...that is a decent summary of what I do everyday. I need to go out. I mean, something with an entertainment value. Not just work, home, and then Church. Church isn't bad or anything, it's just that is the only other place I really go...Well, maybe I should just be thankful that I CAN go to church. Oh well...I am sleepy...I may catch a nap here at work...