I know that I talk about the same thing all the time, but according to "Urban entertainment", all black people have the same problems: money, drugs, and relationships...my problems tend to focus on the first and the last in the list...and I'm going to focus this post on the last...
I don't understand women. Now don't get me wrong, I understand them in the traditional sense...I even understand their struggles...but what they want, and what they SAY they want are really two different things; and that is what I'm having a problem comprehending.
I won't tell anyone's names, but even if I did, they don't read this thing anyway...so I'm gonna have some fun with this.
Girl number one, (in no particular order), let's call her Distina. Distina is a really dope chick. What I mean by dope is, she's attractive enough to be considered "cute"...which is good enough. She's smart, has goals, wants something from life besides a man and some babies. Self-sufficient. A giver. She cooks, she cleans, she has decent style. She reads books...overall, a dope chick. She does stuff and has qualities that aren't too common any more these days...and she told me that she was interested in me...so where's the problem, right? Well, according to her, I dragged out my former relationship too long...which I agree with, but considering her past relationship, she has nothing to stand on giving me that judgement...and then she tells me because of that, she isn't in "that place" anymore. WTF does that mean? Not in that place? I really don't know how to take that. So does that mean that you don't like men anymore? You feel that you don't have time for a real relationship? You don't know if you have time to learn how to have a relationship with me? She can't specify...she just tells me that it isn't personal, and that I'm awesome, but she can't date me...but she doesn't know if she will be ready any time in the near future...WTF does that mean exactly? She doesn't know...but if she doesn't know, who does? But this is the thing; the guy she was with for like, five years??? Awful person, I don't even consider him a man, and she STAYED with him, trying to work it out...I don't even have the energy to devote to the dumb @$$ $hit she stayed through with him, but I don't get a shot? Come on...at least she could tell me she is healing...but she said that wasn't the issue either. So, I have come to the conclusion that I DGAF...please try to put that together, because I don't want this page to get blocked at my job like crackspace is...but every time I decide that I don't care, she tries to push herself back into contention...this will be continued tomorrow!!!
the bold type
6 years ago
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