Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Life of a Faux Tastemaker...

Yeah, so being unemployed has made me pretend to be a taste maker...if you aren't sure what that is...Google is your friend. Anyway, my homeboy has been a fan of not matching for I'm starting to experiment with it as's weird, but sometimes it works...and the more I read my GQs, they feel that not matching is good too; almost to the effect of looking like a color-blind test, but who's passing judgement?

I can hear him now..."That goes hard!" Yeah, I guess it and a leprechaun on the Sunset Strip...

In other news:

I think this is my last call for alcohol...I've been going too hard on the Everclear, and that f-ed my tolerance for a regular drink...which ruins the fun. Now if one of my homeboys is reading this...the reason I'm not buying anymore for home is because I don't want the guilt of letting people drive home off of my bottled spirits...if you are staying the night, I don't mind as much...but driving home afterward, that's not my bag. I don't want that on me...

"Don't put that on me Ricky Bobby!!!"

Shake and Bake!!

Don't you wonder if the addition of more than one exclamation point is suppose to increase the volume of written text? Or if there is more than one question mark, does that mean you know even less??? How many question marks does it take to make you completely retarded??????? Not sure if there is an answer for that one...but one none the less would be interesting. There is one thing I'm sure people notice whenever they read what I write on my blog...why the hell are there all those ellipsis in his text?? For those who don't know, there is Google, but they are the (...) that are always litter my laments. To answer the question I posed on myself, the reason is...that's the way people talk. They don't stop every sentence with a period; usually it's just a brief pause. Think about it...people don't talk like this: "Me and my friends went out yesterday. It was so fun. I really enjoyed myself. Enter lame short sentence here." The periods ruin the flow...even though that last statement is true, doesn't that still sound like a lost bar from the Golden Age of Rawkus records?

That's it for back soon!
Be Safe or Be Smitten!!


Liz said...

first that cartoon is funny!
second, beinf too matvhy matchy is never good.
third, i always said if some puts more that three of any punctuation, they are trying too hard and are not to be trusted! LOL! more than 3 exclamation marks are just excessive. same goes for question marks! three is the limit!
and i also use excessive ...'s but i also rarely capitalize anything. too much work...
and dude... everclear?? i'm sure that is the equivalent of paint thinner! yikes...