Friday, July 16, 2004

yeah...I'm still writing...

Well, today is cool; besides the fact that I was late this morning...I stopped at McDonalds to pick up a drink, and secretly see if my co-worker Claudia was there.  I was waiting in line, and I didn't see her, and then she breezes in around the was well, amazing.  Okay, I sound really cheesy, but she glowed; even in her uniform.  Well, she went up to the counter, and asked me to come over.  I placed my order, and she rang it was about half the price that it should have been...she gave me a discount.  I wanted to tell her that she did have to, or ask her why, but I also didn't want to get her into trouble.  So, I just kinda looked like, "Huh?" and she knew...She said she was going to come see me after work.  I'm kinda excited.  That's so dumb of me to be excited, but I am.  I went to high school with her, and never knew her...funny, huh?  I guess not...but yeah, she's coming to see me today.  Other than that, there isn't much on my mind.  Except for maybe Kristen still...I still think that she thinks that I'm weird.  She doesn't necessarily say anything to me of that nature, but she seems like she does.  Maybe again, maybe again it's just me.  oh well...I gotta go, she's IMing me...later.