Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I don't like these people I work with...and honestly, if they both decide to skateboard on the sea floor of the Bermuda Triangle...I would throw a going away party for them. I think these have to be the laziest broads in history...and I'm trying to find a new job.

Why? Well, I have to, in short...and honestly, maybe I'll post about it at another time...I mean, they are really just stupid...generally speaking. They're talking about how much oxygen we lose by the foresters cutting down trees...

but most of the earth's oxygen comes from the photosynthetic process that the ocean's abundant plant plankton goes through...but I don't expect her to know that; I'm sure that most people don't...but it's just the fact that I'm on the phone and she is talking about something that has NOTHING to do with the job we are doing...and she's wrong. It's annoying. I hope they get fired...even though they probably won't...ughhh!

Help me.


Liz said...

they are losers... for real

Janelle said...

I feel your pain!
The woman that sits in front of me had a thirty minute long conversation with a CUSTOMER about how she doesn't trust Obama because she thinks he would steal her purse...then the guy behind me sits on the phone selling concert tickets ALL the day long...