Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Whatever I am

Now I know I wrote a heartfelt post yesterday, but now I can't help myself. Yesterday, I went to visit my dad, and he was watching Casino was in HD and they just started the poker scene, so I decided to stay for a bit and watch it. Toward the end, James says something that startled me...something I didn't remember...and something that I didn't expect from a Bond film.

"I have no armour left. You've stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me, whatever is left of me; whatever I am...I'm yours."

That sums it up. Sometimes after analyzing, and critizing my own decisions, my own mistakes, the person that I have edited, the person that I have become after remolding who I am...I forget what I started with. Of course not all of the changes were bad, but I honestly, I honestly don't remember who I use to be before my first hurt...the one that broke my heart; misused my trust. Lowered my know. I mean, I know, I KNOW who I am, I just mean I don't know where I started. I don't remember what I was initially...but whatever I am now; I belong to Liz. Does that make me a bitch, maybe. Maybe it just makes me loyal. Maybe it just makes me committed. Maybe it just makes me smart...maybe it makes me all of these things, I don't know. What I do know is though, I know I'm in love with the person that I'm with, and there isn't anything anyone can say to me about her...for real.

I just am.


Liz said...

i so love you too... but you already know that. soon babe!

LovexHate said...

Hi! I'm new to your blog but I must say it's a good read and funny. Anyways, in response to this post yeah it is kind of hard to remember who you once were before a painful challenging experience, but I remember you commneted on my blog about something similar, saying that it just shows you're growth as person. So i guess i'm saying change isn't neccesarily bad.

Well, enjoy your love and it's not a bad thing to feel that you belong to someone just don't forget to lose yourself.

Liz said...

i really don't deserve you